Raising Your Emotional-Spiritual Set Point

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What’s a key indicator of how you experience your life? It’s your emotional and spiritual set point. Your emotional set point is the range of your daily emotions, from high to low, and where you tend to hang out.

Learning about your different set points can be revealing and awakening. What’s more, your emotional life is a gateway to your spiritual growth. It leads to deeper purpose and fulfillment in your life.

To evolve, you’ll want to shift your set point upward to a higher level of everyday emotional awareness. As a result, you can raise your spiritual set point, which includes developing your purpose and meaning in life.

The Components of Your Emotional Set Point

There are three aspects of how you function emotionally each day: genetics, experience and plasticity (how your body-mind can be altered).

Your genetics has your innate temperament from birth (originating from your ancestral and soul’s history). For example, some people are more emotional by nature than others.

Your experience also shapes how you respond to a situation. For example, one person might have a low set point for fear, particularly in certain situations. If they are atop a tall building, say, they may be scared of falling. For another person with a high set point for such fear, they would enjoy the view from the tall building, without any undue concern of falling.

The other component of your emotional set point is plasticity. This means that your brain and body have an ability to handle experiences. With deliberate intent, you can change your set point. For example, instead of suffering vertigo, you can do some breathing or Holistic EFT Tapping to address the fear.

In sum, your default emotional set point is established like a preset radio station. You automatically tune in to these stations due to your genetics and experience. Importantly, you can adjust or change your “dial” with an intervention. Without attention, you will just have an immediate reaction to a disruptive event. You will be unconsciously triggered into a fight-or-flight-or-freeze response.

Sometimes this might be needed to survive a genuine risk. Without thinking, your blood pressure and breathing rate increases. This instant reaction will occur whether it helps or harms your well-being.

In the case of being triggered into an unhelpful fear pattern, It will keep occuring until you choose to respond differently — in other words, until you raise your set point. That means, if you have a low set point for fear in certain situations, you can raise it by practicing certain interventions.

Raising Your Set Point

To spiritually awaken, the goal is to raise your emotional-spiritual set point. That will help increase your awareness and vibration. In the process, you will become proactive and more positively charged to living fully. It also means learning how to observe difficult situations without reacting. It includes not obsessing on them, but rather learning from them.

An Example

For example, Phillip had a pattern of reacting whenever technology disruptions affected our online business. One intervention that helped him was just keeping in mind that such interruptions do normally occur. And they are fixable and part of doing business.

By training himself in this proactive mindset, he is now much less affected when website issues occur. He can remain relatively calm. Or if he gets particularly affected, he can calm down in a much shorter time than previously. He has developed resiliency and feels more resourceful. In short, he has raised his emotional set point in this part of his life.

Set Point Interventions

As we explore in our holistic/spiritual coaching program, raising your set point is key to fulfilling your purpose and helping others. For example, if you have a low happiness set point, you can raise it with a variety of interventions.

Many of these interventions are effective just by putting them into action. They can also put you in a flow state to have more joyous experiences, and to be more productive and fulfilled. Flow could be described as intuition in action.

It’s useful to keep in mind having a clear intention of raising your set point. Certain set-point areas are more important than others, depending on the person. For example, some people may need to raise their anger set point so they don’t blow up so easily. Some may need to learn how to raise their weight set point, so they don’t eat poorly.

Interventions include having a healthy lifestyle (sleep, diet, movement and sunlight). Meditation, mindfulness, gratitude, Holistic EFT and breath-work are other ways as well.

Being in Flow

With the help of some interventions (without needing to be perfect), your brain and body can more easily be calm and able to focus. Then you can enter a flow state more easily and regularly.

Being in flow might mean a peak experience, like effortless high performance during sports or dancing, for certain spurts of time. More importantly, flow can lead you to using your gifts and skills to live your life purpose, to help yourself and others.

Such body-mind balance opens you up to following your genuine passion. This means activities that excite and elevate you, stretching you in a highly engaging way. It could be art, sports, being in nature or creative endeavors. For example, Phillip enters flow while teaching, writing and doing videos. What stokes your passions?

Final Thoughts on Your Set Points

In closing, you want to take charge of your emotions — managing them without trying to overly control or repress them. You then become accustomed to a more positive daily mindset. And when disruptions occur, you can more neutrally observe them and learn from them.

With a higher emotional-spiritual set point, you access a whole new world. From this higher perspective — with more resilience and awareness – it is like having risen to an extraordinary summit.

Now the air is fresher and the view more magnificent. Congratulations on raising your set point, in effect, receiving a spiritual promotion. It’s wonderful having your future regularly glow brighter.

The post Raising Your Emotional-Spiritual Set Point appeared first on Holistic Life Coach with EFT.